Signia SILK X - Invisible Hearing Aid
*NEW* @signiahearing invisible NON CUSTOM hearing aids. Scroll through and see how easy they are to use! Perfect for first time users....

❤️ Happy Valentines/Family DAY!! ❤️
This weekend will be filled with lots of ❤️ by starting it off with Valentine's day and winding the long weekend down with Family Day....

Balance and Hearing
Did you know impaired hearing could have an impact on balance? Adults with a hearing loss are nearly 3 times as likely to fall compared...

NOW OFFERING: Curbside Pickup

Article: Linking hearing loss and cognitive decline
There is more and more evidence suggesting links between age related hearing loss and cognitive decline. We will continue to encourage...

Did someone say cake??
I mean, we couldn't agree more.... Cake.. all day erryday #cake #birthday #birthdaycake #audiology #hearingtest #audiologicalassessment...

Happy Father's Day
Happy Father’s Day!!!! to ALL the amazing dads out there, including those who wish they had a faulty hearing aid……hehe :P image credit:...

Game 1 NBA Finals 2019! Toronto Vs Golden State
It’s FINALLY here! Game 1 of the NBA 2019 finals. The first time Canada has been in the finals, the first time the finals will take...

International Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day! And we would like to take this opportunity to recognize ALL the incredible women out there! "There is...

Pink Shirt Day
We wore pink today to stand up against bullying! It has been so beautiful seeing all the different posts throughout the day of those...