Best Audiologists in Edmonton 2019
We are so incredibly humbled and honored to have been recognized again this year to be within the best Audiologists in the city of...

Did someone say cake??
I mean, we couldn't agree more.... Cake.. all day erryday #cake #birthday #birthdaycake #audiology #hearingtest #audiologicalassessment...

May - Better Hearing Month
Happy May Edmonton! Did you know May is Better Hearing Month? It has been in observance since 1927. The purpose behind it is to bring...

That hand held light we use to look in your ears.. what are we looking for, and what is it called? This hand held instrument is known as...

May - Better Hearing Month
Did you know that May is Speech and Hearing Month?? Have you ever considered how important your ability to communicate is? It is probably...

Avenue of Hope Gala
We were so fortunate to be able to attend Lurana Shelter's Avenue of Hope Gala on February 25, 2017 at the West In Edmonton Hotel. Thank...

World Hearing Day
Early Identification of hearing loss can make the process easier.

Avenue Gala of Hope
Our little gift basket for the #avenuegalaofhope in support of the @luranashelter. Did you get your ticket yet??? #3moreweeks Annnd! It's...